We have now reached the second week of Advent and our time of waiting is well and truly underway. I can see (and hear) the excitment of the children around school as they continue with their work but filling each day now with trying to ‘be prepared’ for Jesus’ coming.
This is of course much more difficult than it would seems with the business of our everyday lives, but getting ready is exactly what Christ asks us to do. In fact, stopping and reflecting is probably the one most beneficial things for us all at this time. One way you can do this together as a family is to view some of the advent reflections which are readily available to us each day. On the church website Fr Jim has made a wonderful Interactive Advent calendar with each door opening to the readings or Gospel of that day. You might also notice (if you look really carefully…) some ‘extra’ creatures in the stable this year!
The Blackpool family of Catholic Schools have also made a virtual Advent Service this year as it was obviusly impossible for all schools to get together during this time. It has contributions from all schools with the theme of ‘Advent Hope’. Again, it would be lovely to share with your family.
Christmas Events
There are also many other events which we are still able to continue to celebrate this year as we try to ensure that this Advent can be as ‘normal’ for the children as we can possibly make it, while still ensuring everyone’s safety in their bubbles and around school.
We have our Christmas jumper day on Friday 11th December. Children are invited to wear their Christmas jumper over their school uniform instead of their usual jumper or cardigan. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t have a Christmas jumper there is no need to buy one especially, you can get creative and decorate your own!
We would really like to support a local cause this advent, and would like to ask for a donation to Brian House children’s hospice for Christmas jumper day. This donation will need to be made through our ParentPay system, and you should have received an email with your log in details if you haven’t already activated your account.
Judy (Mrs Fawcett) our school cook is preparing our school Christmas meal on Wednesday 16th December. All children are invited to have the meal, even if they would usually bring a packed lunch on this day. There will be Christmas crackers and music, and it will be a lovely chance for the children to sit down with their class to enjoy the meal together.
If your child usually has a packed lunch on a Wednesday and would like the Christmas meal please log into parent pay where you will find this set as a special event. Once you have paid this will ensure your child is counted for the meal. Don’t worry if your child would rather have a packed lunch, they won’t miss out on the festive occasion!
Our PTFA have kindly purchased a virtual Pantomime for the whole school to enjoy. It’s a production of Cinderella which will be screened in each class over the next two weeks, at a time chosen by each class teacher. This will be a lovely end of term treat for the children.
Many classes are also undertaking some readings, a liturgy, or even a simple nativity with the children in their own bubble and these will be uploaded onto the website for your family to enjoy before we break for Christmas.
Cards and gifts…
School received a lovely letter a couple of weeks ago from the Chaplaincy Team at Victoria Hospital. They reminded us what a difficult time it would be for the patients in hospital over Christmas an New Year, unable to see their families and friends. They asked if the children would make some Christmas Cards, pictures or messages that they could put up in the wards or homes - perhaps even writing a ‘Thinking of you’ message to cheer the patients up. Some of our classes have done this already.
Our instrumentalists have also been rehearsing to send a ‘virtual concert’ to cheer people in hospital or care homes. At this time we would usually visit our local care homes to sing carols, take gifts etc; but unfortunately we cannot do that due to covid, therefore the children have recorded themselves playing some festive songs and carols which they can send to the hospital next week… (Don’t worry - we’ll share this with families too!)
We would ask families however, who are usually so kind and thoughtful at this time of year, sending gifts into school; please, please, please do not send in gifts to us! This is not because we do not appreciate your thoughfulness, but we would urge you to look towards the more needy in our community at this time and perhaps give some food donations for the local foodbanks, or gift a new toy to church for the Blackpool ‘Give a Little’ appeal: (Last day is this Friday!!!!!) There are so many people really struggling at this time and we would rather any gift you wanted to give went to some of our most vulnerable people.
Thank you for your understanding with this.
Please all stay safe during these difficult times and continue to support each other with kindness and respect.
God Bless
Miss Haggerty