As this school year draws to a close, I would like to thank everyone for their kindness, patience and understanding through what has been one of the most testing times of my professional career. It has been a joy to welcome back the children this academic year and humbling to see how they have relished returning to their classes, their friends and their learning.

As a staff we have tried to keep school as ‘normal’ as possible for the children and it is testament to our wonderful staff that the children have been able to enjoy their broad and balanced curriculum. We have ensured that the children have enjoyed lots of high quality physical activity, art, drama, excellent music teaching and even yoga!

Some of our instrumentalists have put together a little concert of the pieces learned this term. As they were unable to visit any homes/hospitals this year; they wanted to give a little ‘virtual concert’ for everyone: (See below)

COVID latest…

Thank you to those families who have really considered any illness of your child during this past week and not sent them in to school. We want everyone to have the safest Christmas you possibly can. Also thank you to parents for keeping us informed if you or your child have either been a contact of a positive case or have had to take a test. It is imperative we are informed of positive COVID results of children up to 23rd December as this could affect others in your child’s class bubble. We would need to inform families as children may need to isolate.                                                                                                                                   

You can now use a specific email to inform us of a child’s positive result and we want you to continue to do this right up until 23rd December. In this way, a text would then be sent to others in that child’s bubble who would have to isolate due to this. It is vital therefore that we know if your child has a positive result from any test taken. If so please use the email below to inform us.

Christmas Break…

A reminder that we break for Christmas on Friday 18th December. Year 4, 5 & 6 (and Family Groups) finishing at 1.05pm (from your usual entrances) and our Year 1, 2, 3 and Reception finishing at 1.15pm on that day. There will be After School Club as usual until 3.30pm.

As we will still have to follow safety guidance in January, school times/structure will remain in place during the Spring Term and be assessed/revised as we are issued with new guidance and safety measures. Therefore, to keep your children as safe as we possibly can, our bubbles and staggered entry and exit times will remain in place.

School reopens at 8.40am for Family Groups - Y6, Y5 & Y4 on Monday 4th January 2021 and for Year 3, 2, 1 & Reception (not in family bubbles) at 9am.


It has seemed very strange this year not to celebrate with our usual carol services or nativities. Our classes have therefore put together some special celebration video’s which you can view on your child’s class page on our website. We hope you enjoy watching them as much as the children enjoyed making them!

A final ‘Thank You’…

Thank you so much to parents and families for sending in toys & gifts for church ‘Just Giving’ appeal and for the donations you gave for our Christmas Jumper Day. We raised £179 which is now on its way to Brian House Children’s Hospice.

I hope and pray that you have the best Christmas you can in these current circumstances and that you all get the rest and relaxation you all deserve. Lets hope that 2021 brings joy and happiness (even if in the smallest of ways).

Have a blessed Christmas and Holy New Year.

Miss M Haggerty


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