To inform all parents...
There is currently a vacancy for a Parent Governor following our Governing Body recent reconstitution. We only have 1 vacancy at this time but welcome nominations for this position.
You may not know much about the work of the Governing Body, or you may simply want to share some of your skills to support our strategic work here at Our Lady's.
If you click on the links below you can read a letter from our Chair of Governors, who will explain a little more about the position in an introductory letter. This letter also contains the nomination form you would have to complete and return to school by Friday 12th February 2016. This document also explains the disqualifications to becoming a Governor.
Parent Governor Nomination Form
The following document displays Our Lady's procedures for electing a parent governor. You may find this useful to explain the steps our Governing Body takes to ensure a fair and transparent election system.
Procedures for election of a Parent Governor
As half-term falls upon the closing date for nominations, we will inform nominees if there is to be a ballot or not when we return on Tuesday 23rd February.