Well 2016 has certainly started in the way we expect, with some amazing learning already taking place in all classes! (Just can't believe we only returned 2 weeks ago!!!)
As you can see on our class pages, our curriculum themes and topics have changed for science, geography, R.E, etc; and we continue to develop our skills in English and Maths in every area of the curriculum - with many exciting challenges ahead!
The New Curriculum we are now undertaking in all schools throughout England and Wales has had many changes and has meant slight changes to aspects of learning in almost all year groups. Expectations have been raised for all children across school and this will be evident in your child's programme of study for their year (see your child's class page for English and Maths overviews)
This has also meant changes to attainment expectations of all children and the way that schools measure this attainment. You will previously have been aware that at the end of each Key Stage, expectations for children were measured in 'Levels' - with a Level 2 being the expected level for a child to reach by the end of Year 2 and a Level 4 by the end of Year 6. Well, just as everyone was beginning to understand these - 2016 is to see the end of such 'levels of attainment' and instead a child will successfully attain achievement 'at national expectations', 'working towards national expectations' or 'working at greater depth'. (In fact, this should actually make your child's progress and attainment much easier to understand - but it also has meant that these 'National Expectations' are now higher expectations than the previous levels!)
Activities this half-term
Already this half-term we have celebrated Epiphany at a beautiful school mass and have had auditions for our new 'Shakespeare Club'. The children are already busy rehearsing for an exciting opportunity to perform a scene from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' with support from The Royal Shakespeare Company! We will have visits from RSC practitioners over the next few weeks.
Our Year 5 class have been involved in Top Secret Space Missions, designing and making their Space Buggies and are keeping a close eye on Tim Peake and his adventures on the Space Station!
Our Year 6 class are studying Justice in their RE topic currently. They will also be undertaking a special 'School Sleepover' as they try out their survival techniques with the help of our own 'Bear Grylls' - Mr Sharrock, in the school hall on Friday.
Year 3 are looking at recycling and ways we can improve the amount we waste. They will also look at the devastating effects this is having upon our planet. They will be visiting a local Recycling Plant next week.
Throughout the next few weeks we will also be working with parents and also our wider community (other schools, Parish etc) as we will be having a 'book swap' and hosting a school 'Spelling Bee' in order to further improve our reading and spelling skills across school. We are also working on some lovely pieces of artwork for the annual 'Young Seasiders' Art Exhibition which will be displayed at Blackpool & Fylde College during March this year. (Further details will follow shortly)
Sacramental Programme 2016
On 26th February at 5.30pm we will be holding a meeting for parents of children from Year 3 upwards who may be interested in their child joining this years church programme for children to undertake the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. We hope you will be able to attend this meeting as there are lots of pieces of information you will need to know before embarking upon the programme. Children MUST be baptised if they are to join the programme and there will also be an expectation that your child attends all sessions and also that your family will help your child understand more about the mass by attending mass at Our Lady of the Assumption weekly.
School's Alive 2016
Our Lady of the Assumption Dance Club will be performing their 'Bond' Dance on Wednesday 10th February at 7pm at The Grand Theatre Backpool as part of The School's Alive Festival. Tickets must be purchased by parents who wish to attend and are available at The Grand Theatre Box Office.
Half-Term Reports
Your child's half-term report will be coming out just as we break for half term. These short reports comment upon the effort, behaviour and attendance of your child and also mention their determination at completing homework tasks aimed to develop and support skills learned in class.These will be sent home on Thursday/Friday, 11th/12th February.
Before the end of this half-term we will have approached the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday February 10th and school will be attending 9.30am mass to receive our ashes on this solemn day.