An official warm welcome back to everyone to our new school year.

It has been a strange start with the water issues and the slight changes to our PE uniform - but we are (almost) back on track now and excited about the year ahead.

The children have already settled in to their new classes and are working hard. We have been discussing all their hopes and dreams for everything they wish to achieve this year - I'm sure we will be hearing some wonderful things about our pupils throughout the year!                                       Teachers have already given out 'Golden Awards' for the end of the first week and our recipients for that week were:                                                                                                                                                 Year 1: Maisie

Year 2: Kyle

Year 3: The whole class!!!

Year 4: Sian

Year 5: Cayden

Year 6: Reanna

We're very proud of them all and hope they sustain their efforts throughout the year! (I'm sure they will)

During this next week the children will be bringing their new books for homework and also their reading books...  Please, please continue to read for pleasure with your child/children. Most of the children at Our Lady's love to pick up books or hear/construct stories of their own and we want this to continue and flourish! For our younger readers I found a lovely video link to Julia Donaldson, who gives some great tips about helping your child gain a love of reading...

Julia Donaldson's Top Tips for reading

I hope you have had a chance to look at your child's class page on the website which will show you the areas of the curriculum/topics which will be studied in each class across this year and also a separate link to your child's RE theme for this term.                                                                      Also please look out for the date of your child's class information meeting over the coming two weeks.

We have our start of year mass in church tomorrow at 9.30am - which you are most welcome to join us at. Tomorrow we will  ask Our Lady on the feast of her birthday to help us and guide us in the new year ahead.

I would also like to thank parents for their patience as we await the remaining stock for our outdoor PE kits - hopefully we should have these all sorted this week. The children do look great in their new hoodies!

As I said we are all looking forward to the successes and challenges coming our way in this new school year - and, as always, looking forward to working with parents to provide the very best we can here at Our Lady's!

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