Last week, our Shakespeare Ambassadors in Year 5, Amélie and Olivia, went back to Stratford once again to work with the Royal Shakespeare Company. The three day visit was to continue their training in preparation for the wonderful events that will be coming up over this academic year as we prepare to celebrate, with the RSC, the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death in 2016. 

The Ambassadors worked very hard and were involved in lots of workshops over the three days (take a look at the video), and now back in school will be sharing their new skills and training to their peers in Year 5, to other classes and alongside Mrs Ormerod in Shakespeare club. Well done girls, we're very proud of your achievements and look forward to seeing you develop your role over the coming year.

Please have a look at their video and also see if you can spot a familiar face who presented Mrs Ormerod with a certificate for completion of teaching and learning of Shakespeare with the RSC. We're very proud of you Mrs Ormerod, well done!

AuthorKay McVey