Welcome back Year 6

We hope that you all had a wonderful half-term. I have enjoyed hearing about everyone’s favourite days out or activities.


This week we have been using our maths knowledge and applying it to real life problems. Which Supermarket is better to shop in? Which offers are better? If I have three different quantities of butter at different prices how do I know which is cheaper to buy? How do I apply my knowledge of percentages to offers found in the supermarket?

The class have found it very tricky but have persevered and shown true resilience in their learning this week.


Firstly we wrote accounts of our half-term activities and year six took turns to share what they had written with the class. Then we moved on to our project combining science and research with writing an argumentative piece of writing. The class is just completing their research on a topic of their choice about the Environment. Next week we will examine the language used when presenting two sides of an argument.


This week we started a new unit called Faith in Action. We have been discussing what it means to have been made in God’s image. We have discussed how we can reflect God’s image in our actions and daily lives.

PSHE: Every Monday this term we will have a visitor discussing our book Unstoppable by Dan Freedman.

Unstoppable Review

Secrets and lies . . . secrets and lies . . .

Fourteen-year-old twins, Kaine and Roxy, used to be close, but now they can hardly bear to be in the same room. Roxy hates the way her brother behaves - Kaine might be brilliant at football but he's always in trouble and cares nothing about his family. And Kaine despises the way his supposedly-perfect sister, dominates their parents in her ambition to reach Wimbledon.
But the twins are both hiding dangerous secrets of their own, secrets that could destroy everything they are working towards - and both Roxy and Kaine's survival hangs precariously in the balance.
Gripping, twisting, and real, this book is UNSTOPPABLE.

Please help

With our end of year show approaching please help your child practice their lines at home.

Please note that if your child has no lines or a small part it is because they asked for this and we do not want to put any child under any extra pressure.

With the exception of Ayson who is our stage manager and will be running the whole production on the night, every other child will be in the play singing and dancing.

If you have any questions or issues please catch me at the end of the school day and I will be happy to discuss these issues.

Also does anyone happen to have a silver space outfit age 12/13 or adult size that we could borrow before we buy one?

Please ensure you have handed in your Poster Competition entries

 Smoke-Free Parks Campaign

Since 2012, Blackpool Council have implemented voluntary bans in Blackpool parks. The introduction of smoke-free parks provides an opportunity to help create a cultural shift towards ‘not smoking’ being the norm.  This establishes fewer public spaces where people can smoke, challenges the myth that smoking is a normal activity that most people do, and helps children and young people realise that it is not normal for people to smoke.  We will be implementing new and improved smoke-free park signs across Blackpool play parks and need your help to support this campaign which will empower children across Blackpool to reclaim their spaces.

Poster Competition

We would like to invite Blackpool Primary Schools Key Stage 2 to take part in a Public Health competition to design an A4 poster for Blackpool Smokefree Parks.  The winner will hopefully get to see their poster in Play Parks across Blackpool  and will also win £250 in vouchers for their school.  Please hand in your posters to school.


As always we are on the look out for kindness and how we can reflect God’s image through kindness. This week Ayson helped Jacob when he was upset, Frankie also helped Jacob on a separate day. Mickey helped Jacob during Maths, Emma helped Amy during RE, Josh helped William during RE. Oscar O’c helped Chase during Maths, Hallie helped Elsie during Maths. This week I have been really impressed with our kindness - YEAR SIX PLEASE KEEP IT UP. When we are kind and caring it helps us have a more nurturing and loving classroom environment which is what I always strive to create, but it is only created if we work together as a team.


Writing: Emma and William

Maths: Hallie

Golden: Ayson

Congratulations to our award winners!

Diary Dates

Friday 28th June (am) KS2 Sports Day - provisional subject to weather🤞🏻. Please note KS1’s will be the day before (subject to weather). Alternative dates have been arranged for Sport’s day if the weather is poor.

Thursday 11th July Year Six End of year show 6pm

Friday 12th July Summer Fayre after school PTFA events

Tuesday 16th July 9.15am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in church

Friday 19th July 3.15pm Break up for Summer ☀️

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Helldivers 2 This free Wake up Wednesday guide discusses the online safety risks of the video game Helldivers 2 and offers advice on how to safeguard younger players.

We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

Good News Gospel

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class liturgy…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Wednesday Word

Authorfiona ormerod