English and Maths
This week we have been fully focused on filling our knowledge gaps for our SATs. Every single year six pupil has worked hard and improved. I am extremely proud of year six and their approach to their learning.
This week in RE we have studied Pentecost and written an article for a newspaper. Year six has enjoyed discussing what speaking in tongue means, how they would react if suddenly God gave us the gift of speaking many languages and how we would utilise that gift in today’s world.
Pupil Awards
Golden Award: Hallie
Writing: Joseph
Maths: Frankie
Take note:
In preparation for the SATs we will be focusing on the students weaker areas of the curriculum. Year six will hopefully have a bit more free time outside (where possible) because of the intense learning taking place in the classroom.
SATS begin on: Monday 13th May, please look out for information about breakfast next week.