SATS is over!!

Every student in year six worked extremely hard and tried their best. I am so proud of them and more importantly, I hope they are proud of themselves.

Our days this week were filled with exams and treats. Each day we had cakes, ice lollies and biscuits to celebrate the completion of another exam. In the afternoons we completed Art projects and got messy, we stayed outside for longer and played on the trim trail and played football, we completed team games and even built structures out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks. Every student excelled and achieved.

We rounded off the week with a SATs Party which was a great success. Thank you to everyone for contributing food.

Also, parents and guardians, thank you for supporting your child/children on their year six journey. We couldn’t do it without your endless support.

Photos of the week

Week beginning 20th May

This week students will be completing writing tasks for the writing part of the SATs assessment. The writing will be completed in a relaxed atmosphere and I will try to make it as interesting as possible.

Authorfiona ormerod