Friday 22nd March


This week we have continued our learning about co-ordinates. We have practised translation and reflection. We have practised long multiplication, decimals and ended the week pushing our learning with multi-step word problems. Every student has shown resilience and perseverance in their learning.


This week the outcome stays the same: To write an explanation of how an animal has adapted to its environment, however, our focus shifts to finishing our first draft and presentation. The students have chosen to make a poster or newspaper article or leaflet. This will hopefully be completed next week.


PE: Our wonderful coach Erin had a great lesson on Wednesday with our new topic rounders.

Sports Champions: On Fridays, year 6 are fortunate enough to have a visit from Sports for Champions. It is a wonderful opportunity for year six to access this extra knowledge about sports and what it takes to become a champion. As a class, we are all working hard to complete the tasks of doing more exercise and eating healthily. We finished counting our stickers and we will wait to see what prises we won. Congratulations year six.

Waterparks: Please ensure you have a Waterparks information pack and that the medical consent form is filled and returned.

Year 6 Dates to remember

Waterparks: 15th - 19th April

Year 6 awards


Golden Award - Hallie

Writing Award - Ola

Maths Award - Mickey


As always in year six I am on the lookout for kindness and respect. This week I was recovering from an operation and some students made me cards, throughout the week I have had various students help me and check if I am okay, which is so kind and thoughtful. Thank you year 6.

Year 6 Homework:

More information in the homework section

Spellings: please practice your spellings, some children get full marks each week because they practice. Come on year six, you can do this.

IXL English: Nouns - see Homework section

IXL Maths: Fractions - see Homework section

TT Rock stars: Let’s improve our mental maths

English comprehension: Please complete the new comprehension tests. Time yourself, see how long it takes you to do test 1 and test 2. It should only take 20 minutes, but do not panic if it takes longer, be honest and record it.

Authorfiona ormerod