May I wish you all a happy new year and welcome back to a new school term. It has been wonderful working with Year 6 this week and they have been very welcoming as Mrs Murphy has now left for her maternity leave. I will keep you updated with any news!
January is traditionally the month of beginnings – a time for making a NEW START.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear about the two disciples of John the Baptist making a new start. They may not have known what John meant when he said ‘Look, there is the Lamb of God,’ but they knew what he wanted them to do: they had to start afresh and get close to Jesus.
In class we have been reflecting on how each day is a new beginning, a fresh start, where we can thrive to do and be our ‘best self’. We may not always succeed but we can listen to the advice of Pope Francis:
“Let us allow God’s constant help to make us new people’”
Maths: We have been deepening our knowledge of Algebra and have started to master simplifying equations as well as applying formula to mathematical problems.
English: We have started our literacy unit using the book- Darwin An Exceptional Voyage. We have already written a perceptive prediction about the text and have begun to explore the vocabulary alongside bringing the book to life through our oracy.
Science: Linking to darwin’s explorations in science we are studying Evolution and Inheritance. We had a great time playing the ‘Evolution game’ to discovering how natural selection worked, how offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. we also considered how animals and plants adapt to their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
Homework :
Please see the homework page for this weeks homework tasks. They are due to be completed by Thursday 18th.
PE will continue to be on a Wednesday
Golden Award (CARE) - Amelia
Writing Award - Emma
Maths Award - Ola