On Tuesday we had the privilege of welcoming Fr. Frank into the Year 6 classroom for an ‘Ask Fr. Frank’ session. As a class we had pre-prepared some questions, some of which were linked to our RE topic and some that were more broadly about religion in general. This was such a great session and an opportunity for the class to deepen their understanding of the bible teachings and their own faith. One of the children from the class actually said, “Wow, I feel like I understand so much more about my faith.” This was so lovely to hear! Thank you to Fr. Frank for taking the time out of his day to answer all of our questions. He said he would be more than happy to come back again next term and do the same!

This week Amelia, Amy and Hallie also led their first worship, which they had planned and resourced themselves. This was such a lovely, reflective worship all about Peace.

Here is what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we moved on from decimals and moved onto percentages. We have been finding percentages of amounts, using the most efficient methods. For example, we now know that to find 25% of an amount we can just divide by 4 as it is the same as one quarter, and to find 20% we can divide by 5 as it is the same as one fifth.

In English we planned and wrote another formal letter. We read about the character of the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz and that he was in pursuit of a brain. We read the relevant chapters from the book to gain a better insight into the reasons he wanted a brain, and used this to pen a letter to the Wizard of Oz asking him to help him with his request. We then went on to look at a range of openings to different classic fiction books, identifying common features. This will helped us to create a ‘classic fiction opening’ toolkit.

In Science we started our new topic on Living Things and Their Habitats. we started by recapping what classification is and looking at the shared features of several different groups of animals, such as: mammals, amphibians, bird, molluscs, annelids… The class then described the features of different animals and gave examples of animals that belonged in each group.

In Geography we looked at the counties in the UK. To begin with, we had to look at what a county actually is. After this, we then labelled many counties of the UK on a map, using our atlases to help us.

In Computing we finished our Bletchley Park PowerPoints, ready to present in our next lesson.


The Golden Award went to William for aiming high in his Maths and English learning.

The Writing Award went to Chase for his great choices of vocabulary in his formal letter.

The Maths award went to Amelia for the progress she is making-I love watching her grow in confidence by the day!


  • Dates for your diary:

    Wednesday 29th November, 9am-10am - school nurse visit in the school hall. This drop in is for any parent(s) who might have an issue they wish to discuss. No appointment is necessary.

    Friday 8th December, 2.00pm-3.15pm - coffee afternoon in the church hall. This is a follow up from the successful SEND afternoon and will focus on deciding what professional parents would like to hear from and areas that they need support in. Mrs Ormerod will speak to you about how to navigate the FYI directory and how APDR/ graduated response works in school. There will also be members of the Blackpool parent forum in attendance. There will also be people there to discuss support around the cost of living. 

  • Homework concerns

    I have started to notice that more and more children each week are failing to complete either the Bedrock lesson or the IXL units, and in some cases both! I really do not want the standard of homework completion to slip. Please can I politely ask parents to remind their child at home that all online homework has to be completed by Wednesday evening. I will reiterate this in school too.

  • PE day- Wednesdays.

  • Homework- I have set homework this week, details of which can be found on the Year 6 Homework Page.

  • Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk.

Wednesday Word and TenTen Newsletter

Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.

Wednesday Word

E-Safety at Our Lady’s

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

Smart TVs As these internet-enabled entertainment systems rapidly become standard, find out how to guide children in using such devices safely.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Murphy, Mrs Owen & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater