It has been an extremely busy week for year 6. Not only have we begun our rehearsals for our end of term production, which we are excited about, but we have started our enterprise project. You may have seen us on the play ground at the end of the day selling lolly pops or in school selling book marks, along with setting up a box office to sell tickets to our production. Through this project we are learning; business skills, marketing, money sense and how to keep accounts, so please support our business venture by buying our products.

Thank you to all parents who came to cheer us on during sports day. It was lovely to have the Our Lady community together again and the beautiful sunshine made it even more enjoyable.

Results of KS2 Sports day…

1st Layton 500 points Champions!🏆👏🏻

2nd Marton 473 points

3rd Clifton 470 points

4th Newton 469 points

Authorfiona ormerod