We are so sad to be coming to the end of our final full day at Water Park! The week has flown by and we are all so proud of the children for how they have conducted themselves. Not only have they behaved beautifully, they have ALL shown great resilience, independence and teamwork.

We have finished today with our talent show…our winners were:

1st place - Laciee

2nd place - Molly

3rd place (joint) - Onalee/Eliza, Isabella and Brodie

The children were all fantastic - we were so impressed with the effort they put in to their performances. The children are currently enjoying their last night disco. There has already been lots of dancing and games!

Here is what the children have done today in their groups:

Wetherlam - sailing on the dart boats and kayaking

Swirl How - journey day (to peel island and part of top o selside) and kayaking

Coniston - orienteering and sailing

Brown Pike - canoeing, rock climbing, sailing

For tea we had a roast dinner followed by banoffee pie.

I am sure you are all looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow and I know they are looking forward to seeing you too. Personally, it has been so lovely to spend this week with the children as the last time I spent time with them properly was in Year 3. They have all grown in to such lovely, mature and kind children.

The photos from today will be available on the blog tomorrow.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Evans and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac