This Sunday marks the third Sunday of Advent, when we light the rose-coloured JOY candle; this Sunday is also known as Gaudete Sunday. ‘Gaudete’ is the Latin word for Rejoice, and Advent is certainly a time to rejoice the coming of Christ and the sacrifice He made so that we may live with Him forever. This Sunday, we are invited to reflect on the joy we have access to because of our faith in Jesus.We must not let the struggles of the year distract from the great joy we have because of Christ!

As part of our daily shared worship this week, we have been continuing to open our two advent calendars. Behind each window is a passage from scripture, which we discuss and reflect on. Each day we are nearing closer to birth of Christ- the birth of our Saviour!

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we have been: expressing calculations algebraically and solving algebraic equations with two unknowns; calculating the area of parallelograms; calculating the area of right angle triangles. They have all linked in nicely with each other as we have had to use algebraic formulas when working out the areas of shapes. Test us at home to see if we can remember the formula for parallelograms and right angle triangles!!

In English we have been identifying expanded noun phrases and prepositions in an extract from the Wizard of Oz and we have now created a toolkit for introducing new characters. So now we have two toolkits: one for the opening of Classic Fiction texts and one for introducing new characters. We will be using these when we come to doing our guided and independent writes, after Christmas! We have also been innovating sentences from the original text, in preparation for our big write. This week the class also had a go at at GPS paper-this was more for us to identify gaps and see what we need to focus on and less about the score we got.

In PE we had our last Blackpool Buddies’ lesson with Blackpool Community Trust. This has been a great scheme which has allowed us to create and develop our own PE games and trial them out on each other, and younger groups of Year 2 children. We have now all had a go at playing our games with the Year 2’s and the younger children really enjoyed them too!

In Art we have been making our Christmas cards and calendars. We’ve had the paint out, glitter, stars, tissue paper, card, paper…needless to say the classroom has been quite colourful this week!

In Science we have continued with our work on Classification, looking at the Linnaeus system and how/why this is used to sort living things into different groups.

This week’s Golden Award went to Kayden for being such an enthusiastic and hard-working member of the class

The Maths Award was given to Hallie for working so hard with her Maths work!

The Writing Award was given to

Other Notices:

  • Year 4, 5 & 6 Carol Concert

    This week, Year 4, 5 & 6 performed their Christmas Carol Service, ‘A Christmas Window’. This was filmed professionally and they all did such an amazing job. The recording of this service will be shared on the website next week…so watch this space!

  • PTFA Christmas Jumper day - 14TH DECEMBER

    We are asking for a donation of £1 on this day for PTFA funds - which are then spent on items for the children in school. Many thanks.

  • Advent Reading Challenge

    We are now a week and a half into our Advent Reading Challenge and it has been so pleasing to see everyone in the class reading one of our chosen books. Some children in the class have read ALL of the challenge books…I am very impressed! For those who are still on their first book, please make sure you have finished reading it by next Thursday (16th) as this will be when we are holding our book club!

  • Clean Water Bottles

    Throughout the school we have a number of bugs and colds going around, and of course Covid is still present. With this in mind, we please ask that you ensure your child’s school water bottle is thoroughly cleaned at home, before they bring it back in each day. They best was to kill the germs is to use boiling water.

    Wrap Up!

  • Please also that your child comes to school with a warm coat (and hat/scarf/gloves for those really cold days) everyday for playtimes as we will go out in all weathers for fresh air and exercise.

  • Covid-19

    The threat of Covid is still prevalent in our school, with a number of positive cases at present. With this in mind, we ask that you keep your child at home if they are showing any symptoms and take them for a PCR test. Headaches have been identified as a common symptom with children, as well as coughing, sore throats, high temperature and loss of smell/taste. If any child is having to isolate, due to Covid-19, and they are well enough to work, Home Learning will be available on the Year 6 Home Learning Page.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater