I said to the class on their first day in Year 6 that this year really does fly by….well, that’s one half term that has flown by already! I am so incredibly proud of my class, and how hard they have worked these past 8 weeks. It has been a pleasure getting to know them all personally and as learners, and I am so pleased with all they have achieved in such a short space of time!
Here’s what we have been up to this week….
In Maths we have been comparing and ordering fractions and adding fractions with a total that is great than 1. We also converted improper fractions to mixed numbers…the class were very good at this!
In English we have completed our biographies. I am so pleased with the effort everyone put into this independent write and they have really helped to inform your writing targets for next half term. We are so pleased with our biographies, we are putting them on display for other classes to read!
In Science we have been have a closer study of the heart and lungs. This involved a dissection, which Mrs Ormerod tells me, was very successful. As this was not for everyone, while the rest of the class did this, the other children completed their cardboard constructions of the heart and lungs and created quizzes on the circulatory system.
In Computing/History, we finished our PowerPoint presentations on Bletchley Park and several partners had the chance to present them to the rest of the class. If we didn’t get chance to present them today, we will be doing so after half term.
In PE, we played bench ball. This was a fun team sport, and I saw what great team players we have in Year 6.
The Golden Award went to Sam for having a positive attitude towards his school life-he is a ray of sunshine!
The Writing Award went to Lila for her cohesive biography.
The Maths award went to Jack for working so hard in his Maths this week!
The winning House Point team this half term was….MARTON!! Well done to all those in Marton team-you will receive your treat after half term"!
Other Notices:
PE days after half term will be on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS
I have not set any homework over half term; however, please do keep on top of your reading and feel free to access Bedrock lessons
You should have already been sent a link for the Parents Meeting tomorrow-please get yourself ready and linked up a couple of minutes beforehand to ensure we do not lose any time
I hope you all have a lovely week off-it is certainly well-deserved. I look forward to virtually seeing all of you parents tomorrow!
Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen