Year 6 Homework 26.1.2018

Mathematics page 34-37

Reading every day

IXL choose the area which you feel you need the most practice.

English, there are two english tasks for home work

  1. Choose a character from Macbeth, draw/ paint a picture of this character and then write a character description ( at least 4 paragraphs). Remember to add descriptive detail, evidence from the text, perhaps you could discuss how they react in certain scenes of the play. You could explore the dilemas some characters might face as the play progresses. Remember we are year 6 writers so ensure that you choose your vocabulary with care and your writing voice makes a point. Don’t just describe what the character looks like,dig deeper into thoughts, feelings, anxieties.

This home work is due in on Wednesday 31st January

  1. Write your entry for the BBC 500 word competition. All the details for this are on the letter provided.

This home work is due in on 9th February.


Authorfiona ormerod