Year 5 have had another great week of learning. The children have settled well and are really getting into the swing of things. Many of them have earned themselves lots of dojo points already because of their great attitude, focused learning, effort and great work. We’re now checking diaries and all bookmarks have  now been updated . I’m so pleased to see so many have already read and are getting  their diaries signed each  night - dojo points are also rewarded for this. Well done Year 5, keep that up! 

On Tuesday the children began their swimming sessions and we were delighted with the way they conducted themselves and represented our school. They made a fabulous start to their lessons and this enabled their swimming teachers to get them sorted into swimming groups quickly and begin working on their new swimming techniques. Well done Year 5!

Yesterday, KS2 had a visit from Parliament’s Education & Engagement Service. During the assembly, the children were given an introduction to Parliament: an overview of the three key parts of Parliament and how they work together to make laws. Afterwards, Year 5 took part in a workshop on Campaign for Change. The children learnt about how to campaign, looking at changes from historical campaigns, for example the Suffragettes, and then designing their own campaign around a current issue and presenting it to the rest of the class.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Mia

Writing Award - James

Maths Award - Harriet

Our learning this week…

In English the children have turned the 1969 lunar landing transcript into punctuated speech and then improved their writing with description.

Our focus in maths has been rounding numbers up to 5-digits to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We learnt a little rhyme to help us remember the rules for rounding.

In RE the children have discussed the Scientific view of how the World began and also listened to the Creation story from Genesis 1 (Theological view) and have made their own Creation wheel as a reminder of the story.

In science we have been considering different types of evidence, both direct and indirect evidence, for the shape of our Earth.

In history the children have begun learning about the Ancient Greeks.

In PE the children are working with PE specialist called Erin from Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The focus of their lessons this half term is leadership.


A reminder that a summary of this week’s homework can be found on the Year 5 homework page. Please make sure homework is completed by Tuesday ready for spelling and times table tests. 

Well done Year 5, you’ve all worked hard this week. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you on Monday.

Mrs McVey and Mrs McCooey

If you need to contact me or have any questions/queries, please contact me on and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks.

AuthorKay McVey