So, here we are at the end of another term! Take a look below at what the children have been up to this week and their achievements. I hope that over the Easter holiday you are all able to enjoy some down time and have a wonderful, happy and Holy Easter with your families.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans Mrs McCooey and Mrs Dunford

We said goodbye to our ducklings 😢…

Sadly, the ducklings have now gone to their new home on a farm where they will be able to wander freely with other ducklings. We’ve really enjoyed watching them grow and getting to know them and we’re really going to miss them as they all have such loveable characters.

Book Lent challenge complete!

I am delighted with Year 5 for completing their Lent challenge book. It’s been lovely to see so many Year 5‘s rise to the challenge over the last half term and many have read more than one of our challenge books.

CAFOD “Walk against hunger” complete

This week Year 5 have taken part in the “Walk against hunger” for CAFOD. Thank you to those of you who have already contributed. By joining together you have all helped to stamp out hunger one step at a time. Thank you for your support. If you have not yet paid your sponsor money, it’s not too late, it can be done through the Parent Pay link.

A big well done to Joseph and two members of Year 4 who also raised over £100 for CAFOD selling home-made wrist bands. I know Joseph has been busy making them for weeks and we’re so proud of the time and effort he has put in to this in order to support such a worthy cause. Well done Joseph!👏🏻🤩

Barnardo’s donations

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to our class promise to donate to Barnardo’s. Barnardo's is a British charity founded by Thomas John Barnardo in 1866, to care for vulnerable children. Thomas Barnardo is mentioned in our Lent book “Street Child” and although the story itself is fictional, the character in the story, Jim Jarvis, is based off a real Victorian boy who met Barnardo and was helped by his charity.

The donated items will be taken to Barnardo’s this afternoon. Thank you for your support.

Our Good Friday liturgy

Yesterday, Year 5 led the whole school in a liturgy about Good Friday. This part of the Easter story is a difficult one to tell, as it is the saddest part of the Easter story, but Year 5 were able to reflect on the events so beautifully and showed great reverence - we were so proud of them!

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Oscar Op

Writing Award - Mickey

Maths Award - Zak

Year 5 Star Winner -

Our Reading Champions…

Well done to our reading champions this half term who all completed bookmarks for reading regularly at home.

When the children read regularly, golden tickets are given out and then we do a draw at the end of each half term. Well done to Elsie, who is our golden ticket winner and has won a prize for her great home reading this half term.🤩👏🏻

Our learning this week…

In English the children have been identifying writer’s knowledge within the model text in readiness for planning their own writing.

In Maths the children have continued to work on prime numbers and using factors.

In RE the children have been learning about the parable of the Prodigal Son and what it means.

In Science we have considered the changes that may affect people as they grow old.

In Geography the children have identified the main features of rivers .

Resilient Moves…

What resilient moves will you make over Easter? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make to I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Exercise and fresh air (Basics)

  • Play and hobbies (Basics)

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Ayson’s Big Sleep Out for Streelife (update)

Congratulations to Ayson on such a fantastic achievement!

Ayson was the only Cub representing 8th Blackpool at the BIG SLEEP OUT last Friday night and he personally raised an amazing £400 in sponsorship money for the Street Life charity, which supports the homeless people of Blackpool. Despite not knowing any other Cubs who were there, he persevered and showed great resilience and even though he was incredibly nervous, he stuck it out! Along with all of the other activities, he and the other 13 Cubs managed a whole night out in the open air - no tents allowed (just a carry mat and a sleeping bag and lots of layers of warm clothing)! Well done Ayson, we’re so proud of you!

AuthorKay McVey