CAFOD - Sponsored Walk Against Hunger

In addition to the Lenten challenges that Year 5 have already challenged themselves to do, the whole school are also looking to fundraise for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in its campaign to ‘Walk Against Hunger’. Our school community will join thousands of others to help fight extreme poverty and we will make it our own ‘Pilgrimage’ during Lent knowing that each little step we take will make a BIG difference. Each class will set its own Lenten walking target and in Year 5 we have chosen to do our walk during the last week of half term by walking around the school grounds each day during one of our playtimes.

School are asking parents/families to sponsor their child to undertake their special walk and we are asking parents to send in the donations through PARENT PAY (by the end of this term, 6th April) and NOT send the money into school with your child. Please follow the PARENT PAY link you will be sent to set up your account - if you have any problems with this, please contact the school office. Please note you are sponsoring your child for the WHOLE challenge, not each individual, daily walk! By joining together we can all help stamp out hunger one step at a time. Thank you for your support.

Sponsorship Form - in case your doesn’t make it home!

Parents Letter

Our learning this week…

We’ve had a busy week this week. Monday we had our Tales Retold workshop, where the children practised their resilient story that they came up with (Bobby Big Boots) and performed it to our visitor from The Grand Theatre. Next Monday, the Grand Theatre will be sending someone into school to video the children’s work for a special video about the project. At some point the Grand Theatre will share this with us so that you can all watch it too. Later in the year, the children will then go to the Grand to perform another resilient story and they hope to make this a performance that parents can come and watch.

On Wednesday, Year 5 were delighted to have the Life Education workshop once again and welcome Harold (puppet giraffe) back to school - they met him when they are younger and still delight in seeing him again . The workshop was on the theme of looking after our mental health, as well as physical health – and the connection between the two – was further explored, using the Wellbeing Wheel. They also considered how to ensure that online behaviour is healthy and balanced. Using interactive resources they explored how their body systems work together to keep them alive. Through role-play, the children explored the influence of friends on decision making. They identified and practised assertiveness skills.

Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day. Thanks for supporting us with this event - the children all looked great dressed up in the costume of their favourite book characters. The children were given the opportunity to share their book with the whole class and they wrote book reviews to place in our book corner. 📚

In English the children have finished writing their first-person setting narrative of an illustration from the book The FArTHER. Year 5 have worked so hard on this writing and I’ve been impressed with the use of figurative language the children have used. Please ask them to share some of this language with you.

In Maths the children have continued to use and interpret line graphs and have had a go at plotting their own line graphs too.

In Science we have compared the life cycles of birds and reptiles. The children have identified the parts of an egg and the function of each part in the development of an embryo in a fertilised egg.

In History the children have worked as historians to gather evidence about everyday life in Ancient Athens from pottery that remains.

PE - The children worked with sport coaches Elise and Katie on games which encourage them to work as a team and use their resilience.

Lent Reading Challenge📚

I’m delighted with the children’s response to the reading challenge so far. Each day this week, we’ve had children coming in having read their book and have requested to move on to their next book. This is amazing Year 5, keep it up! Please continue to encourage your child to read their chosen book to enable them to enjoy our book club at the end of term.

Well done to those who have already completed some of the books!🤩👏🏻

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Amelia

Maths - Oscar Op.

Writing - Ayson

Star Award -

Resilient moves…

Thank you to Jacob who has shared his resilient move this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Play and hobbies (Basics)

  • Plan out your future (Learning)

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Dates for your diary…

Shakespeare performance

On Tuesday, our Shakespeare club, including a small number of Year 5 children, will be performing a scene from The Tempest at the Grand Theatre. I’ve been lucky to see them during their rehearsal time and parents you’ll be in for a real treat. If Year 5 would like to watch their peers perform, tickets can be bought directly from the Grand Theatre. Good luck to all our actors - break a leg! 🎭


Next week, Thursday 9th and Friday 10th March, some of Year 5 will take part in the Bikeability training scheme. Please see the letter sent home this week regarding arrangements. The children’s bikes will need to be brought in on Thursday morning and then again on Friday if your child has successfully passed level 1. Please note, the Bikeability team make all decisions on who proceeds to the second part of the course and this will be based on behaviour and those who are able to confidently control their bike safely on the road. Riders should wear their school PE kit and bring an appropriate coat in the event of cold weather/rain as they will spend long periods of time outside. Children may also bring in gloves to keep their hands warm. Good luck riders! 🚲

Lenten reflections

Throughout Lent we would like to invite all children and families to join us in the school hall for a short Lenten reflection led by Father Frank. This will be held once every week at 8:30am and will begin from Tuesday 7th March, continuing until Tuesday 28th March. We do hope you can join us for this opportunity to gather as a faith community to reflect on the true value and meaning of Lent. ⛪️

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans, Mrs McCooey and Mrs Hodgkiss

AuthorKay McVey