Fourth Sunday of Advent

This Sunday will mark the fourth week of Advent. We light the final purple candle to mark the final week of prayer and penance as we wait for the birth of our Saviour. The 4th Sunday of Advent symbolises Peace with the “Angel’s Candle” reminding us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”

Our Year 5 prayer and liturgy this week was led by Emilia, Tommy and Zahra. Their theme was Our Wonderful World and they challenged the class to thank God for the wonderful world we live.

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. “ (Genesis 1:31 )

To keep our world beautiful and good, they reminded the children of keeping their Advent promises, which are linked to Jesus’ commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

‘Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” ‘

Great Team Work!

Space Rocket challenge…

Year 5 have worked hard in their teams to complete the Space Rocket challenge. Many of our groups managed to earn enough points to collect prizes, which also included having popcorn with a Christmas film this morning. Well done to the winning team, Lunar Foxes B, who will receive their prize in January.

The children earned points for their team by making good choices, completing homework, being great role models around school and for daily reading and getting their diaries signed. Well done Hallie and Lola Mae!

Our Lunar buggies work…

As part of our DT work, the children were challenged to make moon buggies to end our term - I am really pleased with how hard they worked, working in their teams supporting each other and with good cooperation and collaboration. Well done Year 5! Have a look at what they did…

Our Achievements

Our award winners:

Golden Award (RESPECT) - Ronnie

Writing Award - Tommy

Maths Award - Emilia

Our Reading champions

Well done to our reading champions this half term, who all completed bookmarks for reading regularly at home. Let’s see if next half term we can see more reading champions. Don’t forget to keep up with your reading regularly and get your diaries signed.

When the children read regularly, we give them extra points for reading and then we do a draw at the end of each half term. Well done to Teddy, who is our golden ticket winner for this half term.

Bedrock Competition

Well done to all of Year 5 who achieved 160 points or more on Bedrock over this last half term. I wish you all luck for the Bedrock prize draw, which will be drawn on 24th December! A big congratulations goes to our class Bedrock Champion, Hallie,  and well done to all the other children on our TOP 5 scoreboard!

Here is our TOP 5 winners on the scoreboard:

1 Hallie 787 points 🎄⭐️Bedrock Champion ⭐️🎄

2 Kurt 639 points

3 Layla 358 points

4 Gabriel 287 points

5 Isaac 214 points

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

Top Tips for Setting up Parental Controls on New Devices - This guide provides some valuable advice on setting up new devices so that children can use them safely.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Thank you to those families who were able to join us for our KS2 Advent carol service today, we hope you enjoyed it. We wish you all a wonderful happy and Holy Christmas 🎄and we hope you all stay safe and well and have a great start to the New Year. See you all in the new year!

A reminder of Our Lady’s Church Christmas masses can be found at the following link Christmas card Father Chris has said that the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass is a favourite amongst families and they would be very happy if children wished to attend dressed as characters from the Nativity.

Mrs McVey and Mrs McCooey

AuthorKay McVey