I can’t believe we’re already at half term, the last seven weeks seems to have flown by! The children have been working hard over this half term and it’s been lovely getting to know them. They’ve particularly enjoyed their new leadership responsibilities this year and are really rising to the challenge of supporting their Reception Buddies in assemblies and being fantastic play leaders to our KS1 children at lunch times. Well done Year 5, you’ve shown what great role models you can be to our younger children in school.

Today we had our Harvest festival and we came together as a whole school to celebrate this. Thank you for your generous contributions to our Harvest collection, it’s' very much appreciated. The tins of food (over 400 tins) will be going to a local food bank for people within the community, which I’m sure you’ll agree is a worthy cause. Thank you for your generous support!

This afternoon the children were very excited to have a visit from a therapy dog. The dog came in to visit all the children in a special assembly and after half term, he’ll be working with children in Year 2.

The 'Spring Bulbs for Schools' project with the Edina Trust

This morning Year 5 planted their bulbs, daffodils and crocuses, in their own pot and placed them in one of our school garden areas. Over the next five and a half months the children will be watching over their bulbs to see when they first flower and to collect rainfall and temperature data daily to send off to the Edina Trust. Schools all over the UK are taking part and our data will be collated with theirs to contribute to finding out the effects of climate change. Take a look at our photos…

Our award winners:

Golden Award (CARE) - Grace

Writing Award - Corben

Maths Award - Hayley Marie

Reading champion

When the children read regularly, we give them extra points for reading and then we do a draw at the end of each half term. Well done to Harriet, who is our golden ticket winner for this half term…

Bedrock Competition

Well done to all of Year 5 who achieved 140 points or more on Bedrock over this last half term. I have been delighted with the effort that many of the class have gone to, to do above and beyond the expected homework! I wish you all luck for the Bedrock prize draw! A big congratulations goes to our Bedrock Champion, Hallie, and well done to all the other children on our TOP 5 scoreboard. Well done! 👏🏻

1 Hallie 770 points ⭐️Bedrock Champion ⭐️

2 Isaac 608 points

3 Kurt 574 points

4 Gabriel 566 points

5 Elsie 281 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻

Our learning this week…

In English we have begun planning our own exploration narrative ready to start our narrative when we come back. I’m really looking forward to reading these as the class have shared some lovely ideas.

In maths they’ve been continuing to develop their understanding of numbers up to 1,000,000, estimating and accurately identifying where numbers to 1,000,000 would lie on a number line and comparing and ordering numbers.

In RE, Year 5 have continued to explore consequences that the story of the Fall has had for humans.

In science we have been learning about all the other planets and how they move relative to the sun.

In history the children are continuing to learn about the Ancient Greeks.

In Computing the children have been exploring how the Mars Rover collects and transmits data and how the size of random-access memory (RAM) affects the processing of data (CPU).

In Spanish we have continued to learn how to say the various nouns for family members.

Art - the children used chalks to create Space pictures.

In PE the children continue to work with PE specialist Erin from Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The focus of their lessons this half term is leadership.

Our Year 5 worship this week was led by Elsie and Grace. Their worship was on the theme of Harvest and they asked the children to give thanks for our harvest and the food we have and reminded the class to bring in tins to contribute to our school harvest collection for the local food bank. Well done Elsie and Grace !

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guides give helpful advice about…

EA Sports FC 24 This is the spiritual successor to FIFA which is likely to be a similarly spectacular hit among young football fans.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…

TenTen Parent Newsletter

Well done for a great first half term Year 5, we hope you all have a lovely well deserved rest with your families. Enjoy!

Mrs McVey and Mrs McCooey

If you need to contact me or have any questions/queries, please contact me on year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks.

AuthorKay McVey