Year 5 have continued to develop their leadership skills this week through their PE lesson and through their Change for Life workshop. Through both sessions the children have got into their new play leader groups and have begun working as a team to come up with games that they can deliver to their buddies and to KS1 when they begin their role next week. In both sessions the children were challenged to communicate effectively and to lead other children through the games. The games the children came up with were really creative and we were particularly impressed with how well the teams worked together, gave positive feedback and made good suggestions for how to improve the games. Next week the children will begin their play leader role and will be given a duty once a week during lunch times.

On Wednesday the children were treated to an afternoon of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night performed by The Royal Shakespeare Company and some of our Year 6. Last week we had spent some time exploring the play and so Year 5 were really excited to watch the performance and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Reading challenge…

This week I have set the children a reading challenge. We are going to try and increase the amount we are reading as this is such an important part of the children’s learning and just as Doctor Seuss says, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Please can I ask that parents encourage the children to read at home and sign their reading diary. I’ve noticed that quite a few children are not reading as regularly as they should and some children rarely bring their reading diaries to school. This is such a shame and it will have an impact on their quiz scores in school and the progress they are making. The children should be reading for at least 20 minutes a day at home. To improve this, we will continue to check reading diaries daily and in addition to the house points and the Golden tickets they usually receive for reading and taking quizzes, they will receive daily bonus points. By earning house points for reading, this will support the children in getting a minimum of 50 house points each week in order to be included in our weekly prize draw on a Friday and will increase the number of Golden tickets they receive. (The Golden ticket draw will take place at the end of half term when we celebrate our reading champions.) Get reading Year 5! 📚

Our learning this week…

In English Year 5 have used drama to act out the different episodes of Jeremy Strong’s story “This is NOT a fairy tale” and have written the episode using dialogue.

In Tales Retold the children worked in groups to freeze frame scenes from a chosen book where the characters were really challenged. They then reframed the scene after the character made a resilient move and they overcame the challenging time.

In Maths the children have rounded, compared and ordered numbers to 100,000.

In RE the children have considered the two different viewpoints of the creation story (scientific and theological) and have talked about how the scientific explanation does not contradict religion.

In Science the children have described the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun and have learnt that the tilt of the Earth is the reason for our seasons.

In music the children listened to “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple and have compared it to “Livin’ on a prayer”. The children have found the pulse and rhythm of the songs.

In art the children chose one of their sketches based on the work of Hundertwasser and have enlarged it.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Emma

Maths - Jacob

Writing - Joseph

Star Award -

Bedrock Competition

A reminder that Bedrock’s new prize draw competition runs till the 23rd October. Collect 140 or more points (at least 20 points each week) using Bedrock to be in with the chance of winning one of their prizes. If you go to the dashboard on your Bedrock account, you will find details of how you can collect points. Remember, you need to complete at least one Bedrock lesson for homework but to earn more points you can do more. In addition to Bedrock’s competition, we will also have an in class Bedrock competition too. The member of our class who has the most Bedrock points by the end of half term will win a prize. Good luck Year 5!

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Charlotte 95 points

2 Oscar O’C 86 points

3 Emma 75 points

3 Hallie 75 points

3 Joshua 75 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans, Mrs McCooey and Mrs Hodgkiss.

AuthorKay McVey