I can’t believe we’re already in to our last half term in Year 5 before they all go to Year 6! The time has flown by and it’s been a lovely year so far and they’ve achieved so much. We’ve had a great start to this half term and they have worked hard - starting as they mean to go on (Well done Year 5!).

Yesterday, we had the first of our high school visits. We spent the whole day at St.Bede’s, taking part in a Science and Design Technology day. The children really enjoyed their day and took part in some great activities and were thoroughly engaged! In Design Technology the children designed and made a popcorn cup and then, of course, tried it out by eating popcorn from it. In Science the children were challenged to a murder mystery and they had to do various scientific tests in order to work out who the murderer was. Both activities were a lot of fun and we were so impressed by all the children’s behaviour - and so were the St Bede’s staff! Well done Year 5, we’re very proud of you!

Our learning this week…

In English we have been looking at and identifying the features of diary writing in preparation for their own diary writing next week.

In maths the children have been subtracting mixed numbers and applying to solving problems.

In RE we’ve been looking at the meaning of the Resurrection and also looked at Pentecost, which was celebrated last Sunday.

In Science, the children identified the properties of materials through investigation and identified possible uses of the different materials.

History - The children have identified primary and secondary sources of evidence and have taken on the role of a historian to examine images (a secondary source) to identify aspects of Mayan civilisation.

Computing - The children programmed the microbit to do a polling programme. The children enjoyed testing their program on each other.

In PE the children worked in pairs to navigate around two courses following different maps.

In art the children have further developed their work from last half term, which was inspired by the work of artist Chris Ofili.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Dainton

Maths - Vinny

Writing - Lily T

Star Award -

Music medal

Well done to Evie, who has been awarded her bronze music medal for drumming.👏🏻

Resilient moves…

Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Exercise and fresh air (Basics)

  • Find time for your interests (Coping)

Dates for your diary:

Thursday 16th June - St Mary’s Taster Day

During the taster day, the children will experience different activities in small groups along with other children from other primary schools.

We will leave Our Lady’s shortly after the beginning of the school day and will return to school before the end of the school day. The children will wear their usual school uniform and will need to take a packed lunch. If your child is usually on school dinners, or is eligible for free school meals, then school can provide a school packed lunch to take with us (please let school know, so these can be ordered in advance). The school office will have emailed you regarding this.

KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather.

Own clothes day - Friday 24th June

To take part in this own clothes day, the PTFA ask that the children contribute a used book (for a stall at the Storytelling fair) and some chocolates (for a chocolate tombola at the Storytelling fair) .

Storytelling Fair - Friday 8th July

This will take place after school (3.30pm - 5.30pm) - more details to follow nearer the time.

Hope you all have a wonderful well deserved weekend!

Mrs McVey, Mrs Frost and Miss Mills

AuthorKay McVey