What a beautiful week we’ve had! The sunshine has certainly put a smile on everyone’s face and has made us all feel quite positive.
The children enjoyed their own clothes day today. Thank you so much for all your contributions of chocolates and books for the Story telling fair, we appreciate your generosity.
Our learning this week…
In English the children have been writing their own diary entry from the point of view of Billy from the modern Greek myth ‘Bling!’. They’ve been working really hard on their writing and have tried really hard to include their writing targets. I’m so pleased with the efforts put in by everyone and I’m looking forward to reading them. Well done Year 5!👏🏻
In maths the children have continued to work on fractions, particularly finding fractions of quantities, and they have used what they have learnt to solve problems.
In RE the children have learnt about the ways that Jesus is present among us in follow up to their initial ideas last week.
Geography - We began our new topic on the local area this week. We have begun to think about what kind of place Blackpool is and where it is in the world using various maps.
Spanish - The focus has been on being able to say the date and saying when their birthday is.
In art the children have continued to work on their Chris Ofili inspired art work of Maya Gods .
In HRSE we have been exploring the theme of peculiar feelings. We have talked about how we cope when a situation causes us to feel a certain emotion and have thought about positive and negative reactions.
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Maisy
Maths - Franchesca
Writing - Malachy & Millie
Star Award - Vinny and Izzy
Resilient moves…
Thank you to those who have shared their resilient moves this week…
What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.
This week’s resilient moves challenges are:
Take responsibility for your self (Core self)
Get together with people you can rely on (Belonging)
Dates for your diary:
KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June
KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June 1.30pm - 3pm Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather.
Stanley Park trip to low ropes and Mole holes - Thursday 7th July
We’ll spend the morning at Stanley Park and will return to school in time for lunch.
Storytelling Fair - Friday 8th July
This will take place after school (3.30pm - 5.30pm) - more details to follow nearer the time.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost