On Tuesday we joined in with Father Jim’s virtual mass to celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. St. Peter and St Paul are both patron saints of Rome and considered cornerstones of the Church. St. Peter was one of the 12 apostles, as well as the first Pope and founder of the Roman Church. St. Paul was also an apostle, responsible for much of the New Testament. Although he never met Jesus, he is widely acclaimed as one of the most important apostles who spread the word of Jesus and the nascent Christianity. 13 out of the 27 books of the Bible are attributed to St. Paul.
Our learning this week…
English - The children have been writing their free verse poems about a classroom this week. I’m very impressed with the vivid images they have created.
Maths - In maths we have been looking at coordinates in the first quadrant and have started to look at translation of shapes.
RE - The children have explored the meaning of the Lord’s prayer.
Geography - The children used their maps of their route to school to create their own digi-maps on the computer.
Spanish - This week the children have been introduced to new vocabulary which name family members.
PE - The children worked in pairs to complete more orienteering courses and even had a go at creating their own for others to navigate.
Computing - This week the children have begun to tinker with a new software program called Sonic Pi which allows the children to compose their own music.
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Grace
Maths Award - Jack
Writing Award - Molly
Year 5 Star Winner -
Bedrock Competition
Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for a chance to win an amazing prize (see poster above). There will also be an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term.
Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:
1 Olivia 189
2 Evie 171
3 Laciee 121
4 Isabelle 98
5 Kayden 96
Well done and keep it up!
A reminder to bring back permission slips for our class trip to Ascent trampoline park on the 14th July. Thank you if you’ve already brought yours back.
School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.10pm every other day
Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for playtimes.
Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily.
Please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term. Thanks to those who have already sent theirs in.
Well done Year 5 for all your hard work this week. Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly