Well, where has the time gone? I can’t believe we’re already in our final half term of the year. However, they do say that time flies when you’re having fun and I really have enjoyed teaching your lovely children this year. The children have all come back, unsurprisingly, enthusiastic and ready to work and we have had a really good week. Well done Year 5!

Our learning this week…

English - This week the children have begun focusing on poetry. They have been reading poems about cities and are beginning to pick out poetic features such as personification and metaphors..

Maths - The focus of our maths work this week has been solving problems using decimals.

RE - The Resurrection has been the focus of our RE lessons this week.

Science - In Science this week the children have been investigating materials which will dissolve.

Geography - We’ve started looking at our local area and have used an atlas to locate Blackpool on various maps.

Computing - This week the children were presented with a micro-bit already containing code. The children then needed to work together to work out the algorithms needed to code the programme.

Spanish - We’ve begun our new unit on family this week. The children have started to look at the Spanish Royal family and are learning to say and understand family words.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Molly

Maths Award - Declan

Year 5 Star Winner - Lennon


  • School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.10pm every other day

  • Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for playtimes.

  • Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily.

  • Own clothes day is on Friday 18th June and we ask for the children to bring £1 for this. The theme is ‘Dress the colour of the rainbow’.

  • Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term.

What a great first week back Year 5, well done! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey