This week the children have been learning about how God calls us to care for Creation and we have been thinking about how we can be good Stewards of the Earth. The children came up with great ideas of things they do already and things that we could do from now on. We then watched an animation of a letter, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis wrote to every person on the planet, asking us all to protect the Earth (our common home). If you’d like to watch the animation of Pope Francis’ letter, you can watch it here
Today we had a Welcome Assembly for all the children in Reception and for the children who have joined Our Lady’s since our last Welcome assembly in 2019. In Year 5, Evie Alisha and Lily were officialy welcomed into our school (after joining Our Lady’s in Year 4) and were presented with their certificate and Our Lady’s medal. Well done girls!
Our learning this week…
In English the children have been writing and editing their stories in the style of Jeremy Strong.
The focus of our maths lessons this week has been adding 4-digit numbers with exchanges.
In geography the children have located the latitude and longitude of places in America. I was really impressed with how accurate the children were able to do this - well done!
In art the children have used a natural form as a starting point for imaginative drawings.
In Spanish the children have been reading and writing to show their understanding of family words and have been adapting previously learned gender rules to new family words.
In Bounce Forward today the children have been thinking about what they are good at and their strengths. It comes from many strands in the resilient framework, as their strength may come from any of the five potions. The children have considered their own key strengths and have also used peer support to identify each others strengths. Getting positive feedback from their peers enabled them to feel respected and feel good about themselves.
In PE the children played Capture the flag and Cat and Mouse…
This week’s PE Premier League Primary Star awards went to…
Star of the week - Henri
Be inspiring award - Samuel
Be fair award - Max
Be ambitious - Jayden-Thomas
Be connected - Evie
Resilient moves…
Last week, Year 5 were challenged to make resilient moves. Thank you to Maisy who shared her resilient moves this week, it was lovely to see the hobbies you have been involved in.
What resilient moves will you make this week? It would be lovely if you could email me at least one photo of you making a resilient move so we can share them here. Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to I look forward to receiving them.
This week’s resilient moves challenges are:
Get together with people you can rely on (Belonging potion)
Have a laugh (Coping potion)
Don’t forget the Bedrock competition for your last chance to win an amazing prize (see poster below). It will also be your last chance to get on our TOP 5 leaderboard to win an in-class prize for the Year 5 who has the most points by the end of term. Well done to those on our top 5 leader board this week, these are an incredible amount of points! Who will be on the leader board next week?
Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:
1 Franchesca 414 points
2 Sam 404 points
3 Maisy 219 points
4 Evie 217 points
5 Summer 202 points
Our award winners:
Golden Award - Franchesca
Writing Award - Isobel
Maths Award - Jayden-Thomas
Year 5 Star Winner - Sophie
There will be no swimming on Tuesday as it is a dry week so the children will remain in school. Swimming will resume after half term on Tuesday 2nd November.
Important letter from Miss Haggerty
Please read the letter from Miss Haggerty regarding ‘Squid Games’ and the impact it is having in school.
Further information regarding ‘Squid Games’ can be found on these websites:
National Online Safety - what parents need to know
Digii Social - advice on how to keep your children safe
Support to set up the right controls and privacy settings on the networks, gadgets, apps, and sites your children may use, can be found at to give your child a safer online experience. There you’ll be able to download guides for specific devices.
Active Blackpool Sports Camp offer
Active Blackpool are providing sport and physical activity sessions for children and young people who have mild to moderate additional needs within the local community. The Active Lives team will be running school holiday camps and a weekend club. Both provisions are free to children and young people aged 5 – 18 year olds who have mild to moderate additional needs. Both will take place at Blackpool Sports Centre. Booking must be made prior and a consent form should be completed before the participant can attend. If you wish to take up this offer, then click on the links for the Sports camp poster, letter to parents and consent form.
Well done Year 5, I’m proud of how hard you all continue to work. We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Frost