Well done Year 5, you’ve continued to amaze me with your hard work this week. In maths the multiplication methods got quite tricky but you’ve all worked so hard to understand them. We came to the end of the first Talk for Writing booklet in English this week and I’ve really enjoyed reading your ‘’wishing” stories that you’ve written and have been quite impressed with the language and description used to create an atmosphere. In RE we have explored what Jesus meant by love, using St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, and you were able to show how St Damien showed his love for the lepers on the island of Molokai and how his decisions were informed by his beliefs. In addition to this you’ve learnt about the most important cultural contributions of the Ancient Greeks, different methods of asexual reproduction in plants (including bulbs, runner plants and tubers) and you’ve coded a Scratch program so that the sprite can be moved around the maze avoiding the maze walls. You have all worked so hard and many of you have also managed to keep up with your two lessons of Bedrock, spelling, TTRS and Education City. This is fantastic and you, and your parents, well and truly deserve a good rest and some family time over the weekend. Thank you all, and your parents, for your continued support at this very difficult time. Together we will get through it.

Thank you to those of you who shared their resilient moves with us this week. It’s really important, more so at this time, to make sure you are making time to look after yourself and do things you enjoy to keep positive and be resilient. Have a look at what our class has been up to this week…

What resilient moves will you make this week? It would be lovely if everyone could email me at least one photo of you making a resilient move so we can share them here. Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk I look forward to receiving them.

Next week’s home learning can now be accessed from this link .This will be available each week by the end of school on a Friday . Please note that it is a government expectation that work is sent in to teachers to be evidenced and feedback given where necessary. Thank you so much for all the work you are sending, I know how difficult this is whilst also trying to do your own jobs too - it’s really appreciated! Please email any outstanding work to me by 1pm on a Friday so that I am able to feedback to the children before the end of the school day. If work is not sent to me, I will need to follow this up so please keep in contact with me.

Have a lovely weekend!

Take care, miss you all!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

For your information:

Making Changes This is a free family healthy lifestyle programme for families in Blackpool.

AuthorKay McVey