Year 5 have made a great start to the year over these last three days and it has been lovely to see how well they have adapted to being back in school after such a long time. They really have worked hard over these last three days and I’m so impressed with their behaviour and how they’ve just taken it all in their stride. Miss Evans and I are so proud of them and are really excited to be working with them this year.
Your child will have come home with their reading book (with new ZPD) and diary. I’m so pleased to see so many have already read and got their diary signed last night. Well done Year 5, keep that up! Bookmarks and diaries will be updated next week and once we’re back in routine, these will be checked daily so please encourage your child to read regularly. Your child’s water bottle will also come home with them each evening to ensure that it can be washed and filled ready for the next day. Unfortunately we don’t have spares in school, or cups they can use, so it is important that they bring it in each day. The only other thing the children will need, unless they have a packed lunch, is their coat - school bags are not needed. Please ensure your child brings a coat each day just in case the weather changes over the course of the day - we will still want to get outside for some fresh air even if it is a bit cold or just a bit of rain.
PE days
Year 5 would usually start school swimming this half term but at the moment this is cancelled and will be up for review at half term depending on local advice. We will update you of any changes in due course.
Year 5 will need to wear their full PE kit on a TUESDAY and FRIDAY. On Tuesday we will have Yoga with a visiting Yoga teacher and on a Friday they will have Athletics with BFC coaches.
The only homework this weekend is reading. Weekly homework will be explained and set up from next week and I will let you know in my next blog what the expectation is.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to welcoming all the children back together on Monday.
Mrs McVey and Miss Evans