Good morning Year 5
First of all I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work last week and for all the pieces of writing - I have really enjoyed reading them. I also want to say a big thank you for the photos you’ve sent in of your creative work, your book recommendations and the great resilient moves you’re all making to get through this tough time. I miss you all so much so keep those coming as they are a joy to receive and to be able to share.
#ShareYourShakespeare initiative from the RSC
Before we look at this week’s learning focus, I want to tell you about the Royal Shakespeare Company’s #ShareYourShakespeare initiative to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday on 23rd April.. This could be anything Shakespeare - perform a speech, paint a picture, get your pets involved or even your teddies… They would then like you to film or photograph your Shakespeare in any way you like and upload to instagram, twitter or Youtube, tagging @theRSC and using the hashtag #ShareYourShakespeare. I would really like as many of you to get involved if you can and make sure you mention @OLABlackpool, which is our Twitter handle, so that they know you are from our school and so I can retweet them for our school community to see. Alternatively, send me any photos/film clips and a caption or brief description of your photo/film clip and I will upload to our school Twitter account with your first name and Year group. Please note that film clips for Twitter must not exceed 2 minutes 20 seconds. I really look forward to seeing what you come up with! Any children from other Year groups can also submit entries to me too, or perhaps even the whole family could be involved! I think I might have a go myself! For more information please see
This week’s learning focus:
Read daily for at least 20 minutes. If you can, share what you have read with someone else. In addition to the sites I’ve mentioned in previous posts, you can also borrow ebooks and eAudio books from your local library. Go to for more information - there are some great titles that will be of interest to everyone.
Bedrock - Complete on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Can be completed every 48 hours.
Writing tasks from the Pie Corbett Learning pack (see below)
Year 5 Pie Corbett learning pack -This pack will provide two weeks work which can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. These resources are specifically for Year 5 and will hopefully support the children in moving them forward in their home learning. I’d really like Year 5 to all have a go at completing this over the next two weeks if possible.
Sumdog & Education City - Complete all focus tasks in spelling and grammar.
Maths learning up till now has focused on reinforcing work that the children had already been taught in Year 5. Now, as lockdown continues and home learning is entering the fourth week, it is becoming increasingly important that the children continue to move their learning forward. White Rose Maths Team have developed lessons for the Summer Term, focusing on skills that I would have been teaching the children had we been in school. The resources include a teaching video and then activities that go with it. The focus this week is Week 1 lessons which can be found at:
Sumdog & MyMaths - Complete the focused tasks which reinforce the White Rose Resources and allow you to practise the skills.
TT Rockstars - Daily for 10 minutes.
Additional work/resources:
• Espresso Learning
• #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack 2 from ThinkUKnow (if you didn’t get chance to have a go at the activities last week).
• Compete against other members of Year 5 and see if you can get to the top of the Leaderboard in the quiz section! You could have a go at this Weather and Climate activity pack from Oddizzi too - we’d have been looking at lines of latitude and climate in Geography this term.
I hope you enjoy your week and I really look forward to seeing your #ShareYourShakespeare entries to send to the Royal Shakespeare Company. Also, remember to keep those resilient moves photos coming so we can share more next week.
Mrs McVey