Good morning everyone,

I hope you’re all well and had a wonderful weekend and lovely Mother’s day.

Every Monday I will update the website with home learning tasks for the children to complete during the week. Some of the tasks will require the children to do online learning using the logins provided in the home packs that they were given last week. At the moment Education city is not working as it is undergoing maintenance so as soon as I have set the work I will text all parents to let you know. 

In addition to this, below is an attachment to the year 5 weekly learning project. There are lots of learning ideas across the curriculum, for the children to have a go at. I will upload a new learning project each week.

Home Learning Project week 1

Aside from this, please continue reading at home and completing the home learning packs that came home last week. The recommendation is that children should be doing school work for two hours a day.

We have also set up year group e-mail addresses so that you can contact us with any questions. The year 5 email address is:

Please note I will only check and respond to e-mails weekly and during school hours.

I hope you all have a good week, and are staying safe. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time. I’ll miss you all.

Mrs McVey

AuthorKay McVey