First of all I just want to say a massive well done to all the children in Year 5 who took part in Bikeability last week. The weather conditions weren’t the best at times but they all persevered through the rain, listened well and showed off their safe cycling. We’re very proud of you, well done!


Stage 1 Bikeability took place on the KS2 playground on day 1.


Stage 2 took place on the roads around our local area and was completed successfully by the end of day 2.

Our learning this week:

In English we have further explored Shakespeare’s play Taming of the Shrew and have used drama and a green screen to retell the story. In addition we have considered the relationship between the two sisters, Bianca and Kate, and have written diary entries from their point of view.

In Maths we have worked on factors, primes, square numbers, square roots and mental multiplication and division.

In Geography we have been looking at the water cycle in preparation for our work on rivers.

In RE we have learned about the work of Saint Damien, who went to help victims of Leprosy who were sent to live on Molokai. The children then looked at Corinthians 13, where Saint Paul describes what Jesus meant by ‘love’ and have considered how St Damien has shown his love for others in his work on Molokai.

This week we also had a visit from our school nurse who came to talk to the children about the importance of keeping themselves clean to keep themselves safe and healthy. During assembly she was also there to share how we should be washing our hands throughly and encouraging the children to do this to “Happy Birthday” twice.

Our award winners:

Golden Award : Well done Ryan who has been working really hard, listening well and then helping others with their work too.

Writing Award: Well done Grace for her great diary entry from the point of view of Kate the Shrew.

Maths Award: Well done to Angelo for great arithmetic work in our 5 a day maths and his times tables.

AuthorKay McVey