It has been another lovely week in Year 5 and we continue to be so proud of how hard the children are working. I’d also like to say thank you and a big well done to those children who have sent their story telling videos in for their Reception buddies, they are going to love them! I also want to say thank you to Lila, who treated us this week to sharing her talents by playing her guitar for us. Well done Lila!

At the moment we are unable to have our whole school assemblies and so  at the start of this week Miss Haggerty sent the children a special video message. She reminded the children that the month of October is a very special month for Mary, Jesus’ mother. She then challenged the children to pray the Rosary every day this week in honour of Our Lady and also to offer it for the Pope’s intention. The Pope has asked that we say a special prayer this month for our environment. So, each day this week we’ve had a different prayer leader to lead us all in saying ten Hail Marys.

Our Learning this week…

In English this week the children completed their stories in the style of Jeremy Strong and have worked hard to edit and improve them to ensure they contain the features of his writing.

In maths the focus has been on time. The children have been converting times between digital, 12 hour digital clock and 24 hour digital clock and also finding a time a given number of minutes or hours and minutes later. Some children still struggle to tell the time so please challenge your child to tell the time using analogue and digital times.

In RE the children have read the story of ‘The Fall’, about Adam and Eve, and have discussed Original sin and how this has affected all of us in our lives.

In science the children have been learning all about the movement of the moon relative to the Earth and have looked at the phases of the moon. They also made their own moon dial so that they can record the shape of the moon each night through October and record it on their lunar calendar.

In geography the children have been practising to find the latitude and longitude of places on a World map.

In computing the children found out about the Rovers that have been sent to Mars and have been learning about the difference between inputs and outputs and have explored how the size of RAM affects the processing of data. The children then played a game from NASA which allowed the children to explore a simulation of what it is like to programme a Mars Rover. 

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Eliza

Writing Award - Lila

Maths Award - Kayden

Year 5 Star Winner - Kayden

Well done Year 5, keep up the great work and we hope you have a lovely weekend with your families.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans and Mrs Connolly

AuthorKay McVey