Year 5 are continuing to work hard and we’ve had an enjoyable week…

In English the children have continued to look at poetry and have compared more traditional poems that contain regular rhythm and regular rhyme to free verse poems which contain line breaks and irregular rhythm and rhyme. They have also begun to write and have experimented using personification and they have also used description to build images around a single idea. I must say I’m really impressed and can’t wait to see what they come up with when they start writing their own poems.

In maths the children have continued to think about mental strategies for adding and subtracting methods and they have challenged themselves to use the most efficient methods to be quick and accurate. Keep practising these at home!

In RE we have been discussing how the world began and have looked at the story of Creation from the book of Genesis in the Bible and they have made their own Creation wheels.

In computing this week we have been talking about online safety and we watched a number of videos that outline some of the dangers young people can encounter online and have looked at ways they can help keep themselves safe. From this work the children are going to be working in groups to create an animation for Year 3 pupils to help them learn about an online safety issue and to give them advice about how to stay safe online.

If you would like to watch the videos that we have seen then please follow the links. It would be useful to discuss these issues with your child at home and to ensure that settings on devices your child may have are set appropriately so that they aren’t unknowingly sharing any personal information.

Jigsaw from CEOP:

‘Lucy and the Boy’ created by the NSPCC:

Staying safe online by Newsround

This week we also had our second yoga session with Mrs Ward who is coming into school this half term every Tuesday to teach Yoga to KS2. She has been teaching us about mindful bodies and mindful listening and this week we have been learning about mindful breathing. The children have fully engaged themselves in this and it has been a really enjoyable and relaxing way to start our afternoon.

Due to the photographer being in school on Friday, we did not have our Golden award assembly so we weren’t able to give out any awards this week.

AuthorKay McVey