Our learning…

In English we have been looking at the work of Jeremy Strong to investigate his style of story writing. We have been reading his story of “It’s not a fairy tale” and have discovered how writes in episodes with humour, silly names, uses parenthesis for extra information and turns stereotypes upside down. The children have begun to look at how parenthesis is used so that they can copy his style in their own writing.

In maths this week the children have been looking at multiples of numbers and have used division rules of numbers to work out whether a number is a multiple or not. They have also investigated factors of numbers and discovered that numbers with two factors are prime numbers and numbers with an odd number of factors are square numbers. Towards the end of the week the children have begun to compare fractions of numbers using fraction strips and a fraction wall to help them.

In Science we have begun our Space topic and have been looking at the shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon and have considered both direct and indirect evidence which proves this. We then moved on to looking at how the rotation of the Earth allows us to have day and night.

In RE the children have considered what St. Teresa of Avila meant when she said, “Jesus has no body now on earth but yours” and have given examples of how they can continue Jesus’ mission. They have then investigated the work of St Martin de Porres and have thought about what he did to overcome the effects of Original Sin and what we can learn from him.

In Geography this week, we completed our first round of fieldwork. The children went in small groups to different areas around our school and made their own maps of land use, completed field sketches of houses and other human and natural features and also completed a traffic survey. In our follow up lesson we have begun to collate this data in order to answer the geographical questions that they set themselves.

In Computing the children have begun their stop motion videos using a green screen to deliver important online safety messages. We’re looking forward to seeing the finished films…

This week Year 5 have begun a resilience programme called Bounce Forward as part of our PSHE lessons. Bounce Forward, written by Lancashire Mind and Headstart, is a universal resilience programme, which has been designed to increase wellbeing and resilience in children across Blackpool. Bounce Forward will give the children the opportunity to improve and build up their resilience strategies and skills, in a practical and fun way. This week the focus was sharing information about themselves.


Last week…

Golden award - Well done to Theo who always demonstrates a great attitude to his work and gives 100%

Writing award - Joseph received this for an improvement in his handwriting, well done!

Maths award - Ryan was awarded this for great work in maths and particularly for his explanations of the mathematical concepts. Well done!

This week…

Golden award - Well done to Abigail for making great improvements in concentration and focus in her work and for great work in her reading.

Writing award - Ryan achieved this award for a great explanation of how day and night occur due to the rotation of the Earth. Well done Ryan!

Maths award - to be announced on Monday

AuthorKay McVey