Our learning this week…

English - The children have started to write down their ideas for their free verse poems about the classroom. They have played with the language and have been trying to include all the features of a free verse poem that we have explored.

Maths - The children have continued to work with decimal numbers this week. They’ve had fun listening to each others clues for “What decimal am I?” and successfully working out the number. They’ve also been multiplying and dividing numbers with up to two decimal places by 10 and 100 and explored adding and subtracting decimal numbers.

Science - The information the children collected for homework has enabled us to start comparing information and make some conclusions about the data. This week the children compared the gestation periods of Year 5, presenting their work in bar charts. Year 5 found out that half the class were born at full term (approximately 40 weeks), six were born earlier and 9 later than the 40 weeks.

RE - The children have read the story of ‘The Fall’, about Adam and Eve, and have discussed Original sin and how this has affected all of us in our lives.

Geography - The children have used their new knowledge of 6-figure grid references to locate features on an Ordnance survey map of the local area.

On Tuesday, the children were treated to a fantastic performance of the Merchant of Venice by the RSC. From start to finish the children were transfixed and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Our award winners this week:

Writing award - Well done to Lily for her initial ideas for her poem which include many of the poetic features we’ve been looking at.

Golden award - Zachary got the award this week for being such a well mannered young man who always shows how polite and kind he is to others. Well done Zachary!

Maths award - Reece received the award this week for his perseverance with our independent morning maths work. Well done Reece!

AuthorKay McVey