Read regularly and get your diary signed. 

Bedrock - complete at least one lesson. Bedrock can be can be found at 

IXL Maths

K7 Prime and composite numbers: up to 100

IXL English

H4 Make predictions about a story

(Spend at least 15 minutes on each IXL skill, unless you achieve a score of 100 in a shorter time than this. Please note: Most of the time, these skills will only take a few minutes to complete but on occasion, if they’re tricky, it can take longer. I do not expect children to spend longer than the 15 minutes on any skill even if that means they don’t reach 100.)

Times tables - x4 and x8 ready for a test next week. These will also  include divisions e.g. 16÷4?  How many 8s are in 24?  If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed and take part in the BEBCMAT Rock Stars Super League competition. This half term’s competition is now underway (started 6th January) to get as many points as you can from now till the 14th February. In addition to this, during our Celebration assembly on a Friday, our leaderboard will be announced. Please see the poster. Good luck everyone! See poster

Spellings  for a test next week.

accommodate         accompany            according              achieve            knowledge        learn           length             library            material             yacht       

Individual spellings - Some children will have come home with individual spellings matched to their spelling ability. I have reassessed the children and some children have moved up spelling groups - please ask your child if theirs has gone up. They will not be tested on these spellings weekly but should work on them each week. These spellings will focus on a particular sound or set of sounds that your child has struggled to spell.

Homework will need to have been completed by end of Tuesday 14/1/25 when I will check their results and house points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.

Thanks for your support. If there are any problems, please catch me at the gate at the end of the day or email me at and I will respond as soon as possible.

Mrs McVey

AuthorKay McVey