Read regularly and get your diary signed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day.
IXL - Do each activity for at least 15 minutes (or score 100)
D.12 Form and use the regular past tense
D.13 Identify the irregular past tense
Maths :
X.1 What percentage is illustrated?
X.2 Convert between percents, fractions and decimals
Bedrock - complete at least one lesson . Bedrock can be can be found at Please note that Bedrock can now be accessed daily. However, to ensure long term retention of vocabulary please only complete one lesson if you are doing Bedrock daily. Please see this poster regarding Bedrock’s new competition - prizes to be won!!!
Times tables - x5 x10 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 50÷5? How many 10s are in 30? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.
Spellings for a test next week. Please press the link for the group your child is in.
Homework will need to have been completed before Thursday next week when I will check their results.