Year 5 are taking part in the BBC Radio 2’s 500 words competition. The children took part in the LIVE lesson which gave them the opportunity to discuss their ideas and they have had further opportunity to plan their story out in full. For homework the children are being asked to type their story on a word processor and email their story by 9th February 2018 to school at:
Please ensure you email it with your child’s name, age and year group so they can be submitted easily.
The story needs to be up to 500 words in length and be the child’s own original idea. The rules state that no adult intervention should be given - the story will not be judged on spelling or punctuation. For further details of the competition and prizes, you can go to the competition website at :
It is the expectation that all children will complete the story at home for homework as we will create our own collection of stories for the children to share, but we will need parental consent to submit the story for the competition.
If you do consent to your child’s story being submitted to the competition, then please fill in the consent form given with the letter and send into school. On submission of their work, school will need to provide their full name, gender, region and their age.
Good luck Year 5, I look forward to reading all your amazing stories!