Here is the updated timetable for the remainder of this week’s home learning and below are the resource folders for each subject.

Timetable for 6/1/20 - 8/1/20 I believe that some people were struggling to follow the links within the timetable so fingers crossed that has now been sorted.

Maths resources

English resources

PSHE resource

Once work is completed, photos/scanned images can be sent to me by email at so I can evidence the work they have done and provide feedback where necessary. I will be in school for part of the week working with key worker children, and will therefore have less time free to check my emails. Please email me your child’s work whenever they have completed it, whether this be daily, or every couple of days, and I will do my best to respond and give feedback as soon as possible.

Thank you

Mrs McVey

AuthorKay McVey