‘Look, I have prepared my banquet,’ said the king. ‘Everything is ready; come to the feast!’
Matthew 22: 4
Key Messages of the forthcoming Gospel Reading…
Children will learn that:
Children will learn:
That in accepting God’s invitation we are blessed with joy and a fruitful life.
That we must look out for and accept the invitations God presents us with.
Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…
WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
Year 4 Class Mass Thursday 12th October 2023
On Thursday Year 4 will be attending the parish mass in church at 9.30am. This will be a great opportunity to worship and gather within the parish community. Parents and carers are warmly welcomed to join us in church.
Our learning this week…
In English the children have been exploring a variety of story extracts to find examples of prepositions, expanded noun phrases and short sentences used for effect. The children were encouraged to explain how these word choices added to the overall effect of the writing for the reader.
In Maths we have been applying our knowledge of place value in numbers up to 10000. We have been rounding numbers to the nearest 1000 and looking for patterns in sequencing of numbers by counting in steps of 25. The children were able to apply their knowledge within a range of word problems.
In RE the children have been working hard to grow their knowledge of a range of Bible stories. This week we have been researching the stories of Abraham and Moses. Considering ways in which they showed their strong faith and trust in God.
In History, we have been continuing to consider what life was like for the Ancient Egyptians. The children created their own timelines, and used computers and a variety of information books to research some of the key events, asking and answering some of their own questions.
Spellings, times tables and homework
The children will be coming home with their spellings and homework on Monday 9th October, this needs to be returned by the following Monday.
The children have all come home with their login for TTRS, please can you support your child to access this on a regular basis.
Award winners
Golden: Emily
Maths: Olivia
Writing: Matilda
Kind regards for your continued support
Mrs Parker and Mrs Hodgkiss