Peter went up to Jesus and said, “Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me?” Matthew 18: 21
Key Messages of the forthcoming Gospel Reading…
Children will understand that:
•Jesus teaches us to forgive one another, and in doing so, we rebuild relationships and can live out Jesus’ teaching to ‘love one another.’
Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…
WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
Whole School Mass Tuesday 19th September 2023
On Tuesday Year 4 will be attending the whole school mass in church at 9.30am. This will be a lovely opportunity to gather as a school and parish community to reflect on our return to school and the year ahead. Parents and carers are welcome to join us in church.
Our learning this week…
In English the children have continued to explore the story of ‘The Whale’. We have been using dictionaries to research the meanings of a range of unfamiliar vocabulary and considering the effect on the reader within the context of the narrative.
In Maths we have been investigating rounding to the nearest 100, using 2 and 3 digit numbers. We have also started to count in 1000’s, the children were able to complete a range of sequences and patterns, involving subtraction and addition.
In RE the children have been continuing to reflect on the importance of The Bible for Christians and on how the bible is structured. The children were able to discuss a range of example stories from the bible and explain how the messages of these stories support Christians in their eveyday lives’.
In History, we have been considering life for the Ancient Egyptians. The children were encouraged to explain how homes, jobs, beliefs were different than modern day, completing their own research.
Spellings, times tables and homework
The children will be coming home with their spellings and homework on Monday 18th September, this needs to be returned by the following Monday.
This week the children have all come home with their login for TTRS, please can you support your child to access this on a regular basis.
Award winners
Golden: Eleena
Maths: Conleth
Writing: Alexander
Wishing you all a relaxing weekend,
Mrs Parker, Mrs Hodgkiss and Miss Collins