Year 4’s Learning this week:
English: Year 4 have written and edited their twisted fairy tale endings this week.
Year 4 have also continued working on their Shakespeare learning for Mrs Ormerod. Year 4 have been exploring The Taming of the Shrew through English and Drama. This week we explored how Kate is treated in the play by Petruchio. This raised the topic of how people should be treated and how it made us feel that women were historically treated as less than men. Year 4 raised some very thoughtful and interesting opinions and questions around this topic.
Maths: Year 4 have been exploring Time this week, practising telling the time as well as their problem solving.
RE: This week, Year 4 have been learning about the different colours, signs and symbols used throughout the Church’s liturgical year and their deeper meaning.
PE: Year 4 have continued taking part in their tag rugby sessions.
Spanish: Year 4 have continued identifying and translating the important objects within their classroom this week.
DT: Year 4 have carried on designing their mindfulness timer and turning this into a prototype.
Computing: Year 4 have continued transferring their website designs onto a virtual platform this week, using teamwork to create their final product with care and pride.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are still practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.
Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check:
School reports will be given out on Monday 17th July, if you wish to discuss your child’s report please contact the Year 4 class email.
At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.
Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
This month's online safety guides give helpful advice about…
Rumble - This free online safety guide profiles Rumble, a video-sharing platform which features some outspoken influencers and, frequently, uncompromising political views.
We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Gabriel
Maths Award - Corben
Writing Award - Dominic
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!