Year 4’s learning this week:
English: Year 4 have been immersing themselves in the life and genius of Sir David Attenborough this week. As part of Year 4’s new Writing topic all about biographies, the class have been learning all about one of England’s most loved national treasures and familiarising themselves with examples of biographies written about Attenborough.
Year 4 will eventually go on to write their own biography about Jacques Cousteau, another incredible famous figure in recent world history.
Maths: Year 4 have continued to work hard on their multiplicative skills and are now moving on to work on a more formal, written method of multiplication using their well practised partitioning and times tables fluency.
History: Year 4 have continued learning about Alfred the Great as well as his victory at the Battle of Edington against the Viking, King Guthrum. We examined the sequence of events that led up to the battle, including a story of King Alfred burning a peasant woman’s cakes! (Year 4 found this story very amusing but questioned how true the legend really was). Year 4 then examined the different reasons which granted Alfred’s success in battle and used their reasoning skills to deduce whether or not the reasons were important or not.
PE and PSHE: Year 4 have continued working hard this week on being a team, particularly taking part in activities that requires every individual to do their bit and work together in order for a task to be completed successfully.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.
Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Opportunity lessons on Thursdays.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Our Fairhaven Lake trip will be on Tuesday 21st March for a full day. Please remember to send your child in their PE hoodie, comfy/waterproof trousers and their wellies/waterproof shoes. Please also bring a spare change of clothing and a carrier bag. Packed lunches will also be required for this day.
Year 4 will be completing their walk for CAFOD while on our Fairhaven Lake trip on the 21st March.
A message from the school SENCO:
Please find attached details of the Being a Parent groups running next term. There will be two 9 week groups starting on Tuesday 25th April
10.00am-12.00pm The HealthWorks, 1 Clifton Street, FY1 1JD
6.00pm-8.00pm Online using Google Meet.
The group is suitable for parents of children aged 18 months – 11 years (priority is given to parents with children under 4 years) and is led by parents. It looks at communication, behaviour management and listening techniques. The group is free and childcare can be paid for to attend the group.
Parents can book their place by contacting Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or .
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Jana
Maths Award - Connie
Writing Award - Kurt
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!