As we progress through our Autumn Term, we have been thinking about how we can nurture our joy for reading even more in Year 4. With a class full of fantastic readers, it felt only right to celebrate this!

Therefore next week, Year 4 will be embarking on a Winter reading challenge that will take us through Advent and up to Christmas!

We are all very excited to share this reading challenge together and want to read as many books as possible as a whole class, teachers included!

Year 4’s learning this week:

English: Year 4 have been learning how to analyse and annotate a piece of text this week. We focused on a modelled outsider narrative and annotated all of the key features that made the text powerful. Firstly, we focused on the text’s structure such as its use of paragraphs and being in chronological order. Then, we explored the key grammar within the narrative such as; fronted adverbials, powerful verbs and adjectives, prepositions and metaphors.

Later in the week, we focused on gathering a bank of prepositions that would be useful when planning our own outsider narrative.

Maths: Year 4 have been practising their column addition with four digit numbers. We spent this week gradually aiming towards solving problems using addition of four digit numbers.

RE and Liturgy: Our class have continued exploring stories from the Bible’s Old and New Testament.

During one of our class Liturgies this week, we started to think about the coming of Advent and what this special period of time is about. We also explored the beginning of the New Testament together and discussed who Mary was and how she readied herself to become the mother of Christ just as we are now readying ourselves for the coming of Christ all these years later.

To share the Wednesday Word together each week, please follow this link:

Science: Year 4 started looking at our Living Things and their Habitats topic this week. We began by exploring what the term ‘classification’ means. Then we investigated the different ways in which various living things can be grouped.

PE: Year 4 have been practising their ball skills this week, particularly dribbling and passing basketballs through a range of different exercises and activities.

History: This week, Year 4 continued exploring the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Year 4 had to discover the different artefacts that were found in King Tut’s tomb around the classroom and catalogue these in their books as well as describe what the artefacts looked like.

Spanish: Year 4 have started learning about Ancient Britain. We started this week by looking at the Spanish translations for the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Roman Age, the Anglo-Saxon Age and the Viking Age.

PSHE: Year 4 have been examining their relationships this week, including the different groups of people in their lives. Our class also worked hard to understand that everybody’s families and friendship groups are all unique and will look different to other’s.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars regularly.

Please make sure homework is handed in on a Thursday.

Please make sure your school instruments are practised at home for our weekly Wider Oppourtunity lessons on Thursdays.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Lilly

Maths Award - Hallie

Writing Award - Zahra

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!

AuthorKatie Whitehead