Hello and welcome to Year 4.  Each week I will write a blog to keep you informed of what the children have been learning.  I will also include homework tasks and any important notices.

I have been absolutely amazed by the children this week.  I am so proud of the maturity, enthusiasm and the positive attitude to learning the children have shown me.

We have been working extremely hard this week and have began our exciting learning together.

Maths - We have been looking at number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.  We have been also looking at what we need to add to a number to reach the next multiple of 100 and what we need to subtract to get to the previous 100.  The children have created some fabulous pieces of work that I am very impressed with.

English - We have completed our star reading tests this week and have been looking at a dilemma text called ‘Lost or Stolen?’  The children have been investigating the language used and identified the dilemma in the story.

Science - We have started a topic on animals including humans.  We have been looking at nutrition and what a healthy diet consists of.  The children also created their own menu’s of a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.

History - We have began to look at our topic of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  We discussed events we already knew about and placed them on a timeline.  We also mind mapped what we already knew about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. 

RE - This week we have done some work on Our Lady.  We have discussed why Mary is so important to us and thought about her feelings when the angel told her she was going to have the Son of God.  The children also wrote out the Hail Mary in beautiful handwriting and decorated it.

I have given the children homework this week;

Maths - pages 2 and 3

English - pages 36 and 37

Important notices:

  • P.E days are on a Tuesday and Friday.  Tuesday is our indoor session and Friday is our outdoor session.  During the Autumn term the children will also be taking part in a Yoga session.  Please can I remind parents that children with earrings must come into school either without earrings in or be able to take them out themselves.

  • Your child will come home with a reading book and log.  Please sign and date when your child has read.  I expect the children to be reading nightly.  Once the children have read a book then they will then take a test on accelerated reader to check their understanding of the book.

  •  I will put homework details on the blog every Friday.  As in Year 3 homework is given out on a Friday and is due in on a Tuesday.

  • The children will be coming home with spellings each week for them to learn as they will have a test every Friday

  • Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to chat about your child.  You can call or email school but I am also around at the end of the day if you would like to catch me then.

I am so excited that I have such a lovely class and for the year ahead.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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