What a week we have had in Year 4! The children have been doing lots of writing in different subjects and have blown me away with the pieces they have written. They have included everything we have learnt so far including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and pronouns. They were all a joy to read. Well done Year 4!

Maths – This week we have been focusing on volume and mass. We looked at how we can convert grams into kilograms and millilitres into litres. We also presented our findings in the form of a bar chart.

English – In English we have been concentrating on our theme of ‘Kevin the Carrot’. The children wrote a detailed story about what had happened in the video clip and included fronted adverbials, pronouns and dialogue.

Science – This week we created a local habitat survey. We looked at our surrounding area and noted the impact some changes have on our environment and also what we could do to help.

History – This week we have been exploring the Bayeaux Tapestry. We found out that it was 70 metres long and isn’t a tapestry but is a piece of needlework.

RE – In RE this week we have been looking at the Annunciation. We watched a video clip of when the Angel Gabriel visited Mary. We then discussed why God chose her and how she trusted in God so much she agreed to become his mother.

Important notices

We are holding our Carol Concert at 2:30pm on Wednesday (18th) at church we would love to see you there!

There is no wider opportunities (clarinet) on Thursday (19th).

We are collecting tokens as part of ‘The Sun’ newspaper Books for School campaign. If we collect 3500 tokens we will be sent £600 worth of books. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

Please can I ask all parents to make sure that they sign their child’s reading record as it is the only record we have of you child reading at home.

Award Winners

Maths Award – The Maths Award this week went to Hallie. Hallie has blown me away this week with her hard work and resilience during all our Maths lessons! Well done Hallie!

We had no Star Writer or Golden Award this week as we watched the Reception Nativity.


Maths – 3 games on Times Table Rockstars.


With it being our last week of term next week I will not be quizzing the children on their spellings or times tables.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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