Key Messages of the forthcoming Gospel Readings…
• Jesus can help us see the world through eyes of love and faith.
• With Jesus as our vision, we see what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
• Jesus enables us to see opportunities to GIVE, ACT and PRAY.
Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…
Lenten Reflections
Throughout Lent we would like to invite all children and families to join us in the school hall for a short Lenten reflection led by Father Frank.
This will be held once every week at 8:30am and will begin from Tuesday 7th March, continuing until Tuesday 28th March.
We do hope you can join us for this opportunity to gather as a faith community to reflect on the true value and meaning of Lent.
We are joining CAFOD's Big Lent Walk!
Our school community will join thousands of others to help fight extreme poverty.
Year 3 will be walking around the Roman Fort in Ribchester on Thursday 30th March 2023
The children will be coming home with a sponsorship form next week and donations can be made via parent pay.
CAFOD is an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
Further details at
On Thursday 30th March, Year 3 will be going on a class trip to Ribchester Roman Museum. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to be immersed in Roman Britain History, they will have the chance to handle a range of hands-on artefacts and there are also the remains of a Roman Fort on the site to explore.
The children have been given a letter explaining all of the details.
Our learning this week…
In RE, we have been researching the important parts of the church building, making links to how these items our used in Mass and describing some ways in which they reflect the beliefs of Christians. We thought about the altar, the tabernacle, the sanctuary light, the lectern and statues in church.
In English we have been exploring our class text to find a range of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We then used our knowledge to start to plan and create some of our own sentences based on another scene from the story we have been reading. The children had some fantastic ideas!
In Maths this week, we have been investigating finding equivalent units of length, including millimetres, centimetres and metres. We have also been using small rulers, metre rulers and tape measures to find the lengths of objects around the classroom.
In Geography, we have been using atlas’ to locate large built up areas in the UK and to think about some of the jobs people might have in these larger population settlements.
WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday
The children will have a spelling and times tables test on Monday
Reading books and Reading Records to be brought in daily, Reading books changed when needed.
TTRS login to be used to access Times Table Rock Stars
Award winners
Golden - Gabriel
Maths- Hallie
Writing- Nevaeh
Well done to our award winners this week!
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend and Mothering Sunday.
Mrs Parker