It has been a delight to welcome your children back to school this week. They have all took it in their stride and they have been little superstars. We are all looking forward to Monday when we can all be together as a class. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are doing all we can in school to keep your children safe and we will continue to do so.

This week we have done lots of activities around the book ‘The Colour Monster’ which is all about the different emotions that we feel. The children have really impressed me with how they have managed to recognise the different emotions in the book, such as being calm. They have also been able to share times when they have felt these emotions. The children have created sand jars and feeling clouds which are now on display and look wonderful.


  • Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.

  • The children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water.

  • Homework will be set via Class Dojo. I will set the homework on a Thursday evening, and it will be due in on the following Tuesday. If you have any questions about how to use Class Dojo please get in touch. Homework will be set for the first time next Thursday.

  • If you need to contact me, please either send me a message on Class Dojo, or send me an e-mail to:

  • The children will be bringing home reading books. Please ensure your child is reading daily and record this in their reading record. They will be awarded a sticker for their bookmark each time they read at home. Once the book is returned to school, it will be placed in to ‘Book Jail’ for 72 hours before another child can read it. The children will start bringing books home next week.

I’m really looking forward to the week ahead!

Thank you,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac